Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Description Loving Central Kentucky Southern Real Estate Broker!


It’s been recently brought to my attention that my descriptions for my listings are well… “Imaginary”, “Picturesque”, “J Peterman like”, and “Artsy”. (These are quotes from friends and clients. I don’t name any names because some people do not like their information listed on websites or blogs.)   For me writing this blog or describing a home is an artistic outlet.  Every home and/or property has a story to tell, every client or family is part of that story.  Just like an artist I draw inspiration on little items, comments or things I see when listing a property.

Are all descriptions and details of a listing easy to write? To answer this question simply no!  I pride myself on my descriptions, and often type them three or four times. Read them numerous times to make sure I have adequately described the property, or home clients have in trusted me with the pleasure of a listing.  Reviewing the pictures; thinking back to items picked up on, and what clients tell me about their properties, all help draw my inspirations for listing descriptions.

Over all I try to be a pretty positive real estate agent and all properties have positives. Some have more than others, and some have so many items to describe that my fingers can’t fly fast enough to type all the details for a potential home owner to see!  It is not just selling a listing or a house; it is a home or personal property! Memories were made in these places, life styles were changed, and things happen.  Life has a way of painting a picture for a home.  Often I can see the activities described to me from the property owner as if they are happening right in front of me.  A description can be simple or interesting. It would be easy to write 3 beds or 2 baths or a garage, etc..   Everyone has different needs and wants and basically different lifestyles.  What is important to one client is not so important to another.  Real estate is personal, and the potential clients need to see and enjoy all the details in a home or property listed!  Lifestyles are ever-changing and created every day!  To put it simply selling real estate is selling a lifestyle.
Is the English always correct? That’s a big no! I create long run on sentences and also abbreviate just to name a few mistakes made when writing.  Why might you ask?  First of all I am not an English teacher; I just enjoy writing, describing, and marketing. Only being allotted so many words is sometimes a challenge.  As remained by English teachers in high school “create an audience” and “capture the attention of the reader”.  Just listing what then home has is boring to me, so I feel it would be boring for others.  Also as stated earlier in this blog entry all properties have stories, details, positives, and items to sell.  Potential home buyers need to see these items, especially with the fast paced lifestyle created in today’s market.  You get one chance that’s it!
My background has some design experience and teaching experience.  So I think this is why I tell a story and do my best to create an edge in my marketing abilities. Each listing no matter the size or price has a story to tell and all my descriptions are all created equally the same way.  I spend just as much time on a home description that is $70,000.00 to a home that is $350,000.00. I’m not saying my way is any better than other real estate agents.   Just simply saying I enjoy the task of describing a home, it is one of my favorite activities about my career as a full time real estate agent!

Give me a call anytime!  I would love to help you with a listing or purchasing your lifestyle, home and any other property needs. I look forward to describing your Central Kentucky Home!

Love your description writing Central Kentucky Southern Real Estate Broker! 

Whitney Ensor, Associate Broker
Ensor Real Estate

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