Friday, November 8, 2013

How to dress for Real Estate…??????

As no surprise to anyone I spend most of my mornings trying to decide what I am going to wear that day!  Why Why Why Do I spend so much of my life deciding what to wear?  Well I would like to think I keep up with the current fashion trends and I enjoying clothes so much that they consume most of my morning time!  I just wish I could make this process easier.   So why does it take me FOREVER to decide?

Well here is the first problem; my “office” is different every day.  Some days it’s a construction site, other days it’s the actual office, a bank, restaurant, the car, a farm, business, attending closings, showing appointments, listings… you get the idea.  I am never really in the same place, location or area so I do my best to dress for what lies ahead for the day at hand. 

Problem number two the weather.   I have to know if it’s going to rain, snow, sleet, hail, be windy, hot cold, sunshine….you get the idea.  Living in Kentucky does not help this situation, one minute its 80 and sunny, and next its 50 windy and raining. I’m in the car and out of the car; I need to know do I need my rain boots and coat, snow gear, scarf, gloves, or sunglasses?   Will I be walking a farm in the rain? Snow? Sunshine?  What shoes and pants will I need to do this?  Will I be going to a closing? Listing? The weather and my appointments determine what fashion “gear” I will need that day.  And sometimes I do all of these things in one day! Wow that’s a really tough day to decide what to wear! I mean when you have a closing in the morning and walk a farm in the afternoon, you have to be really prepared, high heels do not work walking a farm! (I know from experience! Haha)

Problem number three, I feel like I have to have everything!  Yes I am that girl… shocker!  I must be accessorized with 1,000 bracelets, always earrings, rings, sunglasses, necklaces, and scarfs.  I LOVE accessories and I do tend to go overboard, but it’s my style and well after 30 years I’m not going to change that.  Not to mention I like that total number of jewelry pieces to equal an odd number, I know it’s kind of strange.   Basically I don’t leave the house without what I call the minimum of earrings, sunglasses and my rings.   I also try to keep in mind I need somewhere to put my phone, keep my key to get into properties; I will be holding papers, a pen, and sometimes other people’s children, ha!  I carry a bag and a purse every day, yes every day!  It has all my essentials as listed above, and  1,000 pens, highlighters, notepads, folders, I pad, sharpies, post it notes, cozies (hey I get thirsty), water, little purse because the big one is to heavy all day, 1,000 different lip glosses, mascara, powder, and oh I always have carmex!

I’ve tried everything, laying my clothes out, which helps sometimes until my appointments changes and the whole saga begins again! Or I just change my mind in the morning, ha!  It’s a daily struggle! J   Then I say all the time (knowing I have a closet full of clothes)” I don’t have anything to wear”!  And then there are the shoes and the purses… I really am obsessed with this!  So how do I fix this problem? Well, I don’t!  And my job is unpredictable so I basically have to learn to adjust, pick something that I think will work for the day, accessorize and move forward hoping for the best!  Just know that lots of time, energy and effort goes into my outfit and my accessories.

My latest favorites are:  my Kate Spade Sunglasses, Betsy Johnson watch,  Pandora Bracelet, David Yurmen earrings & Bracelet, Boots of any type (Riding, Cowboy, booties, any), Leggings (Love White House Black Market Leggings) , A long sweater with pockets if possible, Miss me Jeans, Down Vests with pockets, Love Wedge Hills, Long necklaces, Initial Necklaces, anything with bling, Kate Spade Purse, my UK wildcats clothing/accessories, and red nail polish.  (The make-up well that’s for another blog post).   I posted a few pictures of items that are on my favorites list at the moment.

Basically I do love to dress and I do my best to be prepared every day for this wild ride of real estate!  I enjoy the changes in my daily schedule just wish I could spend less time worrying about what to wear, but the fact is it’s just my nature!  I want to look my best, I feel when you look your best you work better!  As my Aunt Phyl would always say” Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance!”  This could not be truer and I’m pretty prepared every day! 

Happy Weekend Friends! Oh and On On U of K! Its Wildcat Basketball and Football this weekend!   
Love, Whitney

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